MPE wishes to provide our clients and associates with a general update related to the new DEP NPDES permit guidelines that were adopted in early 2020. DEP’s reasoning for this update is multifaceted. Firstly, it is to enhance the regulation to aide with water quality management. Secondly, it is an effort to clarify the methods utilized to achieve those goals and introduce new permit applications and schedules that will enhance compliance. The permitting process, administration, and enforcement is still being unfolded and realized. Generally speaking it effects projects in our region that discharge to waters of the Commonwealth within the Chesapeake Bay Watershed. All projects will require ABACT level best management practices (BMP’s) that help control and reduce nutrient loading related to erosion and total maximum daily load TMDL for siltation, suspended solids, turbidity, water/flow variability, flow modification/alterations, or nutrients.
What does it mean?
Clients with new projects that exceed 1 acre of earth disturbance can expect increased permitting, construction, and operational cost for stormwater peak rate control, infiltration, water quality management, and erosion control. The enhanced stormwater facilities will consume larger portions of your project’s site for stormwater and water quality management facilities to meet greater loading ratios. In effect this will reduce the overall developable land area and have a negative effect on the return on investment. Most soils within our region have very low infiltration rates and new requirements are being enforced such as rain gardens to offset the low infiltration rates. Please contact MPE for your next project as we are able to assist guiding clients through the new regulatory requirements while limiting your liabilities and enhancing your investment.